Quote: What is your intention?

Rob Hills - Mindful Leadership Quote

INTENTION This is something I ask myself every morning when I wake up. Setting an intention gives you an anchor when things get off track or go a little sideways – you just remind yourself of what you really wanted from the day! If you remind yourself throughout the day you can remain mindful despite […]

Video: 1 Mindful Minute Series – Mindful Leadership

1 Mindful Minute Video

Mindful leadership is applying principles of mindfulness to your role as a leader, whether that’s in the office or at home. You don’t have to be the CEO of a company to be a leader. There are so many leadership roles in our society; there are entrepreneurs, stay at home mum’s, executives, blue collar workers, […]

How to stay mindful during difficult conversations

Mindful Leadership Rob Hills

As a leader we have to engage in difficult conversations on a regular basis, no matter how easy going we think we are. There’s asking people to do things they don’t want to, saying no to requests and conversations around performance management; all of these things have the potential to turn into difficult conversations. The question […]

Quote: You can move mountains!

Mindful Leadership Quote

You can move mountains! Don’t list to the voice in your head telling you ‘no’ or ‘you can’t’! Believe in yourself. Follow your heart! Like this quote? why not try 1 mindful Minute? For more great tips and techniques click here to view my free 1 Mindful Minute video series. In these short 1 minute videos I give you […]

Video: 1 Mindful Minute – Introduction

1 Mindful Minute Video

In this introductory video I’m going to explain what a 1 Mindful Minute is and what you can expect to see in future videos. Everybody I speak to would like to be more mindful or even learn how to meditate but the number one thing stoping them is time. You don’t need a lot of time to […]

Quote: You can’t stop the waves…

Rob Hills Mindful Leadership

“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf” ~Jon Kabat-Zinn 1 MINDFUL MINUTE For more great tips and techniques click here to view my free 1 Mindful Minute video series. In these short 1 minute videos I give you practical strategies you can use to incorporate 1 Mindful Minute into your daily activities. You can do […]

Quote: Life is a journey….

Rob Hills Mindful Leadership Quote

“Life is a journey, not a destination” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson If you liked this post, I would love for you to share it on your favourite social media platform. Facebook Google+ Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest

Quote: Life is what happens….

Rob Hills Mindful Leadership Quote

“Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans” ~ Allen Saunders If you liked this post, I would love for you to share it on your favourite social media platform.  Facebook Google+ Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest

Quote: The best way to predict the future

Rob Hills Mindful Leadership Quote

“The best way to predict the future is to create it” ~Abraham Lincoln If you liked this post, I would love for you to share it on your favourite social media platform.  Facebook Google+ Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest

Quote: Earn your leadership every day

Rob Hills Mindful Leadership quote

“Earn your leadership every day” ~Michael Jordan If you liked this post, I would love for you to share it on your favourite social media platform.  Facebook Google+ Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest