Cognitive diversity can be a major asset in the workplace. Teams that embrace a variety of perspectives are more prepared to solve problems, identify new opportunities, and craft innovative solutions. The Whole Brain® Thinking framework is one tool you can use to develop a cognitively diverse workforce.

Thinking preferences have an impact on virtually everything we do, including communication, decision making, problem solving and managing styles. Understanding your thinking preferences will give you a new perspective of yourself and people you deal with everyday.

The concept of Whole Brain® Thinking is easy to learn and apply. It creates better results by improving decision making, problem solving and communication. 

The research conducted by Herrmann International shows that there are four different thinking preferences which create the Whole Brain® Model.


The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI®) is a preference-based psychometric assessment based on neuroscience. It provides a validated positive and inclusive way to identify our thinking preferences without pigeonholing or non-productive labeling, as it fosters a positive psychology approach.

Using Whole Brain®Thinking, HBDI identifies your preferred approach to emotional, analytical, structural and strategic thinking. It also provides individuals with a significantly increased level of personal understanding.

More than 3 decades of research and innovation stand behind the validity of the HBDI.




HBDI empowers individuals by increasing self-awareness and enhancing personal effectiveness. By understanding their thinking preferences, individuals are better able to adapt their communication style to connect with others.



HBDI acts as a catalyst for building high-performing teams by leveraging diverse thinking preferences. It helps teams embrace diversity, improve team dynamics, reduce conflict by understanding others better and optimise team performance.



To really inspire change across an organisation means working with multiple teams and leadership at all levels. This knowledge allows leaders to tailor their communication and leadership strategies to inspire and engage their teams.

As a Herrmann Certified Practitioner, I am thrilled to partner with Herrmann to providing HBDI training in Canberra and around Australia. I have been providing HBDI training since 2016 and have seen first hand the great results people get when working with Whole Brain®Thinking. I have worked with individuals, teams and organisations to bring about lasting change and organisational improvement. 

I offer comprehensive HBDI training programs that empower individuals, teams, and organisations to harness the full potential of their thinking capabilities. Contact me today to learn more about how HBDI can transform your personal and professional growth journey.


Where do you want to see your team grow?

We can help your team unlock their potential with Whole Brain Thinking